As a result, these are key areas in which our coaching philosophy and methodologies have been optimised.Our directors are senior business professionals from a variety of industries with a high level of empathy and understanding of the challenges our clients face.Everyone in the team is a professional coach–the Directors and our team–and we are all regularly supervised.We follow the ethics codes of ICF and AC and we have coaches ourselves because we believe in the difference that coaching can make.
We love an African proverb–”If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ” To support and guide them all the way, we partner with our clients. We share new ideas and ways of doing things through trusting and enduring relationships.
Our highly successful People Confidential events are a powerful example of bringing together great people to share their thoughts and expertise and encourages and facilitates the connection and creation of trusting relationships.
Coaching has been a privilege of senior managers for many years, and yet, after experiencing it, many are heard declaring that they wished they had been offered coaching in their careers much earlier.
Our group coaching method not only brings transformative change and connection; it also builds deep trust and accountability.
It is also a very cost-effective way of providing coaching to anyone within the organisation with a shared purpose. Whether its promotion, career activism, resilience or high-performance teams group coaching is a great solution for ALL customer organisation levels.

We are incredibly proud to partner with The Young Women’s Trust, a fabulous charity that supports and represents women aged 16 – 30 who struggle in England and Wales to live on low or no pay and who are at risk of being trapped in poverty.
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